Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A funny thing happened today, I had all these ideas about what topic to write about:
  • Shyness (and how people perceive shyness)
  • Left-handed-ness (me and my little one are both lefties and it can be a trial)
  • Games (this is likely to be tomorrow's topic- so much to say about it)
This will serve as a list later as my memory fails me more often in my 40's

I got to work, and flipped the page on my calendar (the quotey--inspirational one, my mom bought me) and today's quote:  "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart".  Elisabeth Foley, writer   Isn't that beautiful ? It's inspiring too, but we have already talked a bit about inspiration. I had to share the quote though, to good not to.

 Most people are happy about growth in others. I think sometimes those close to you get a little nervous when you start growing and changing, they can feel a little threatened, as if their place in your world somehow changes or is no longer needed. Likely, you have aided them in their growth and they still want you near.   It's fascinating to watch another's growth, a little more difficult to watch your own, since you are in the thick of things.  I bet though, if you think back just a little bit you can see all the areas that you have grown.  Maybe you are braver, less shy,  more self-disciplined, maybe you can run faster on your treadmill (ugh--)maybe you decided to give up the treadmill and stop feeling guilty!   Like it or not, we all have grown and will continue to grow, you can do it the painful way, resisting, kicking and screaming the whole way, or enjoy the journey of the lessons life has in store for you.   Now go add water...and GROW!

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