Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's your sign?

I'm a Libra , which I've known  for a long time, but today I learned that my MOON is in Scorpio ---I"m not exactly sure I know what that means-- but I gather it means I have Scorpio traits.   Like many people, I look at my horoscope on a fairly regular basis, sometimes I think, wow, yep that's right and others I think "WHATEVER" this is a pile of crap.  Unfortuneately, it has yet to say --run, play the lotto, you are going to win (like this week when it was up to $280 something million, that would have been nice). I also read other people's horoscopes to see what kind of day they are having :).

Why do we read our horoscope?
  • For fun?
  • Are we looking for the universe to tell us something positive is going to happen to us?
  • Are we hoping for a warning that nothing bad is headed our way?
Now I can only speak for myself (and I'm waiting for my pals following this blog to weigh in on some of these topics) but I like to think I'm getting a little tiny bit of insight on what's coming my way (good, bad or indifferent).  I"m not naive enough to think, me and the other 20 billion Libra's in the world are all gonna have the same day, I of course, think the horoscope is just picking me out of the crowd because I'm somehow special or need an intervention. :).   Today though, I paid for my own, extra special reading, just for this LIBRA...... , it even said, " Dear  Jazzy Tami"  as you may suspect, it told me what I already know:  I'm neurotic, having a bad spell and it will continue for a while, I work too hard and I need to balance things better. REALLY?   ... (Nice I paid to learn that)... Oh and it told me that my MOON IS IN SCORPIO..... I repeat....WHATEVER that means!. 

1 comment:


    You have a whole chart not just a sun sign, it gets pretty detailed and takes a lot of time. Is it worth it?
