Sunday, January 23, 2011

Michigan Weather & Love/Hate Relationships

Like most Michiganders, I have a Love/Hate relationship with our weather. Yesterday it was a blustery day; cold and gray with snow flurries. I wasn't very motivated to go outside despite the flury of ice sculpting activity going on in my small town.

Today, however, a chilly 16 degrees and SUNNY, I had an urge to go outside. Bundled in layers, we went sledding this morning around 10:00 and then for an afternoon hike at beautiful Hidden Lake Gardens. Both were exhilerating. (this from a girl 'who hates being cold'). It was so beautiful, the snow was untouched in open spaces, the purest of white, and so cold and frozen that it sparkled like diamonds in the sun, absolutely beautiful. (Cold weather = Love/Hate)

Perhaps the lesser of 2 evils was the hike outside in the cold versus 'climbs' and sprints' at Spin Class. (Spin class = Love/Hate). Love my spin partner, love my spin pals and spin instructor, love cross training, but ugh.... 60 minutes of spinning I couldn't do more than 1x per week.

I've talked about "life" and I've talked about "love", but I've yet to talk about Jazzercise, the "jazz" part of my blog. I was inspired tonight by another blogger who spoke of Jazzercise so fondly, even though she no longer teaches, she still loves it AND she loves to run. (Running= another LOVE/HATE for me). I love the idea of running... the actual running... well..

Jazzercise, however, (Not Love/Hate at all--just LOVE LOVE LOVE). It's in the Top 10 of the best things that ever happened to my life. The Jazzercise girls are the best part, but the music, the moves, the way the hour flies by, the way it changes your body...I repeat, LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Tonight as I sit here, working on my set, finishing up laundry, preparing for a busy week ahead its 7 degrees outside ( says feels like 2 brr). Love the weekends, Hate when they end! Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sweet Dreams

Do you remember your dreams? I rarely do. I said to my husband, I never dream,its unusual for me, but once in awhile I remember some crazy dream. He,of course, told me in his very matter-of-fact way that everyone dreams and I just don't remember my dreams. Did you know 'dreams' prevent psychosis? hmmm.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I lost all of the answers to an exam I had to take and couldn't remember anything. Its pretty clear to me this particular dream was caused by my anxiety of the test I had to take. Although dream experts say your dreams are not about what they are about? (What?)

The following night, Mike dreamt that he stole a copy of the test to help me and I ended up getting fired. LOL. (My analysis: he loves to protect and take care of me--but I got fired!)

What do our dreams mean? Do you ever analyze your dreams? I have had a recurring dream that my teeth all fell out, I read that such a dream is common and is likely caused by anxiety about one's appearnce.

I also have had recurring dreams of being chased, which apparently means I'm avoiding something (I"m pretty sure I"m avoiding the guy with the gun chasing me---it's not really rocket science is it?) An amazing fact about this is that these 'random strangers' in your dreams (with guns) are people you have ACTUALLY seen at some point in your life--(minus the gun...that's crazy!)

One third of our lives are spent sleeping, yet, we don't remember much of it. If you clear your mind before you go to sleep, wake up slowly, you can work on remembering more of your dreams. Oh yah, quitters dream more vividly (like if you quit smoking)

So... I"m going to quit eating popcorn before bed, clear my mind (including the cravings for popcorn, wake up slowly (which should be easy because I'm starving to death) and see what I remember tomorrow. Sweet Dreams.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Words- a point in time?

   I love words.   A few letters strung together that have one or multiple meaning(s).
  • written words
  • words spoken
  • you have a way with words
  • poor choice of words
  • they had words (not so good)
I have words on the walls all over my house, because I like them.   I have been thinking lately that words spoken are a 'point in time', you say something and it is how you think or feel at that 'point in time;' but you might not think that way in a few weeks, months or years.  For example you might be angry and have words with someone but minutes or hours later you no longer feel those words are relevant and so the words now become meaningless....(hmm, really?)

Words can be FUN:  ridiculous, disconbobulate, shenanigans, those are fun words to say.  Recently I started playing a word game with friends on my phone; it's fun and educational too.  (today I learned: Azure---strictly by luck as I was trying to get a high score and stringing letters together...Azure is a shade of blue--I had to look it up when the game accepted it). I really like this game with words, I especially like when I get a 30 or 40 or 60 point word :)

Words can be POWERFUL;   Words can empower.  You might say words like FOREVER and then the situation changes and you didn't really mean forever, even if you meant it at that 'point in time' when you said it.  Words can be harmful and even though they may be a 'point in time' to the person that said them, they could stay with the receiver for a long, long time.

You can have fun with words, inspire with words, slur your words, you must be careful with your words, because you can't take them back when you give them to someone else.

 So is it the words themselves that are powerful? is it the words that are a point in time? Or is it our use of those words, our stringing together the letters and putting something behind them, putting ourselves behind them? our feelings behind them?  Until they are written,spoken, or played in a game, they aren't really anything but some letters waiting to have an ACTION taken.,. (words vs. actions) hmmm another interesting topic of course for another day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's your sign?

I'm a Libra , which I've known  for a long time, but today I learned that my MOON is in Scorpio ---I"m not exactly sure I know what that means-- but I gather it means I have Scorpio traits.   Like many people, I look at my horoscope on a fairly regular basis, sometimes I think, wow, yep that's right and others I think "WHATEVER" this is a pile of crap.  Unfortuneately, it has yet to say --run, play the lotto, you are going to win (like this week when it was up to $280 something million, that would have been nice). I also read other people's horoscopes to see what kind of day they are having :).

Why do we read our horoscope?
  • For fun?
  • Are we looking for the universe to tell us something positive is going to happen to us?
  • Are we hoping for a warning that nothing bad is headed our way?
Now I can only speak for myself (and I'm waiting for my pals following this blog to weigh in on some of these topics) but I like to think I'm getting a little tiny bit of insight on what's coming my way (good, bad or indifferent).  I"m not naive enough to think, me and the other 20 billion Libra's in the world are all gonna have the same day, I of course, think the horoscope is just picking me out of the crowd because I'm somehow special or need an intervention. :).   Today though, I paid for my own, extra special reading, just for this LIBRA...... , it even said, " Dear  Jazzy Tami"  as you may suspect, it told me what I already know:  I'm neurotic, having a bad spell and it will continue for a while, I work too hard and I need to balance things better. REALLY?   ... (Nice I paid to learn that)... Oh and it told me that my MOON IS IN SCORPIO..... I repeat....WHATEVER that means!. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A funny thing happened today, I had all these ideas about what topic to write about:
  • Shyness (and how people perceive shyness)
  • Left-handed-ness (me and my little one are both lefties and it can be a trial)
  • Games (this is likely to be tomorrow's topic- so much to say about it)
This will serve as a list later as my memory fails me more often in my 40's

I got to work, and flipped the page on my calendar (the quotey--inspirational one, my mom bought me) and today's quote:  "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart".  Elisabeth Foley, writer   Isn't that beautiful ? It's inspiring too, but we have already talked a bit about inspiration. I had to share the quote though, to good not to.

 Most people are happy about growth in others. I think sometimes those close to you get a little nervous when you start growing and changing, they can feel a little threatened, as if their place in your world somehow changes or is no longer needed. Likely, you have aided them in their growth and they still want you near.   It's fascinating to watch another's growth, a little more difficult to watch your own, since you are in the thick of things.  I bet though, if you think back just a little bit you can see all the areas that you have grown.  Maybe you are braver, less shy,  more self-disciplined, maybe you can run faster on your treadmill (ugh--)maybe you decided to give up the treadmill and stop feeling guilty!   Like it or not, we all have grown and will continue to grow, you can do it the painful way, resisting, kicking and screaming the whole way, or enjoy the journey of the lessons life has in store for you.   Now go add water...and GROW!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What inspires you?

My next post, I promise will not be so deep and serious.  I need to stop taking myself so serious, but that resolution will take a bit more time, been doing it for 40 (something) years.  So today, I"m wondering, 'Are you inspired? Have you ever been inspired? What inspires you?.    For many years I have been the queen of self-help books, I don't have time to read the whole book now, so I look for quotes instead.  I'm looking around my office right now, here are some quotes on calendars, papers, etc:  ( "the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy: MLK Jr) --Wow profound and so true!
(another:  Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.' Gloria Steinem--ouch!)  (If you really want something & really work hard and take advantage of opportunites and never give up, you will find a way- Jane Goodall---so true).  I LOVE QUOTES!  They inspire me, but only in a small way.  The real inspiration for me comes from ACTION & PEOPLE.  My mom inspires me, shes the reason I love self-help and quotes, she's a great listener, she makes me want to be a better listener, including listening to myself, something I'm not particularly good at.   In my 20's I was inspired by a hard-working auto executive, who happens to be related to me, she works so hard, she made me want a career of my own (oh and an umbrella for the rain and winter boots-but I didn't get those until I was 30 --fashion/over/function ya know).  5 years ago, I was inspired by a 20-something girl with a charasmatic personality, and a love of dance and music.  She inspired me to become an exercise instructor.  I was in awe watching her teach and laugh and smile the entire time, all the while motivating others!  I truly don't think she knows how she inspired me or how it/she changed my life (although she did ask me today if she could be in my blog soon- she is still changing my life ;).     I'm inspired by my husband who pushes me everytime I"m so willing to throw in the towel and give up. My kids inspire me to slow down, hug them, snuggle them, when I am in fast task mode.   So many inspirational elements; Music (very inspiring) Art- in many forms, quilts, quilt pictures, photography, painting. For me though, people are the most inspiring, people in action (how's that).  Go forth and be inspired!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year --- Friendship

Welcome to Life, Love & All that Jazz -- my first blog post!
According to Wikipedia; friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between people, or animals. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. ...(man wikipedia makes it sound all formal)

In 2010 I thought alot about friendship; what kind of friend am I? what kind of friends do I have? isn't it amazing that some of my friends have been on the journey with me for 30+ years (man they know too much about me!). Others only on the journey a short time.  Some friends are related to me.  Friends come and go, some friends come, go and then come back again (that's kinda cool).

At year's end, I concluded that friends are a special gift, they come in all shapes and sizes, they bring different aspects to our lives, different perspectives.  Sometimes in friendship you are the giver, sometimes the taker, hopefully neither of you remembers give/take in the end.  One thing is for sure, my friends all of them, help me so much in my daily life, I need their kind words, their laughter, their lectures, their debates, their ideas, their love and their support. I need and long for the connection to them.  My best friend just so happens to be the man I married, he has endured the most and amazingly is still here.   I haven't always been the best friend, but this year, I vow to be better and cherish each of the gifts that have been brought into my circle. I hope for the circle to get bigger and stronger.    Life, Love ,Friendship and all that Jazz is what makes the journey so worth it!.