Sunday, January 16, 2011

Words- a point in time?

   I love words.   A few letters strung together that have one or multiple meaning(s).
  • written words
  • words spoken
  • you have a way with words
  • poor choice of words
  • they had words (not so good)
I have words on the walls all over my house, because I like them.   I have been thinking lately that words spoken are a 'point in time', you say something and it is how you think or feel at that 'point in time;' but you might not think that way in a few weeks, months or years.  For example you might be angry and have words with someone but minutes or hours later you no longer feel those words are relevant and so the words now become meaningless....(hmm, really?)

Words can be FUN:  ridiculous, disconbobulate, shenanigans, those are fun words to say.  Recently I started playing a word game with friends on my phone; it's fun and educational too.  (today I learned: Azure---strictly by luck as I was trying to get a high score and stringing letters together...Azure is a shade of blue--I had to look it up when the game accepted it). I really like this game with words, I especially like when I get a 30 or 40 or 60 point word :)

Words can be POWERFUL;   Words can empower.  You might say words like FOREVER and then the situation changes and you didn't really mean forever, even if you meant it at that 'point in time' when you said it.  Words can be harmful and even though they may be a 'point in time' to the person that said them, they could stay with the receiver for a long, long time.

You can have fun with words, inspire with words, slur your words, you must be careful with your words, because you can't take them back when you give them to someone else.

 So is it the words themselves that are powerful? is it the words that are a point in time? Or is it our use of those words, our stringing together the letters and putting something behind them, putting ourselves behind them? our feelings behind them?  Until they are written,spoken, or played in a game, they aren't really anything but some letters waiting to have an ACTION taken.,. (words vs. actions) hmmm another interesting topic of course for another day.

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