Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Ride - May 2011 (Part 1)

And so it begins, the ride from Boyne Highlands to Mackinaw City, 51 miles of pure fun!  I didn't sleep well the night before, it was a busy day at the Toledo Zoo with Matt's 1st grade class.  We got home from the zoo, finished packinig and we were on the road to Northern Michigan.  I never sleep well in a hotel the first night, tonight ,was no exception.

We arrived at registration, picked up  our packets, our wristbands (very important to have these)  and of course our souvienier tshirts!  We moved on to breakfast, it was a buffett feast loaded with enough carbohydrates to induce a coma.

Before we left the finish line, I already lost my wristband, I hoped this was no indication of what was to come, because the people at registration would not replace it!  In the car, on the way up, I downloaded an app for my phone so I could track our route, determine our speed and ensure we went  the full 51 miles!  (no cheaters! and I love stats!)

And we're off, it wasn't a 'group start' which means riders could start the ride any time they wanted between 8am and 11am, we started about 9:30.  The weather was perfect.  The people watching was even more fun!

The first part of the ride was loaded with hills.  Uphill, then downhill.  I'm not sure which was worst, going up and the insane burn in my butt, or going down at 30+ miles / hour.  Sam loved this part, flying down the hills, no need to pedal. I hated this part, I rode down with the brakes on, envisioning that I would hit a rock, flip over the handle bars and be in the emergency room . 

Below is a link (which would be from the app I downloaded to my phone, however, the constant use of the GPS and lack of signal burned out my battery halfway through the ride!  

Some riders reported speeds of 40mph going down hill at the "Tunnel of Trees' (which was lovely--the trees, not the speed).   I was alone at this part of the ride going down this crazy hill.  I experienced what bike racers call 'DRAFTING" A group of 8 riders (clearly professionals)  were on my left flying down the hill  all in a single file line,  their speed was so intense it pulled me into their DRAFT and lined me up right behind them, it was crazy! The wind tunnell just sucked me in, I had never felt something like that before.

So ,I mentioned I was on my own during this part of the ride, I also mentioned Sam loved the speed.  We were going down a hill, I asked him to wait at the bottom of the hill for me, (while I rode the brakes)  and I didn't see him again until lunch!  I was mildly annoyed with him! He had my money, my i.d. and my lunch ticket (remember I lost my wristband-which entitles you to lunch). I arrived at lunch and searched everywhere for him, the more I searched, the madder I got.  How could he be so insensitive?  I had no cell service, because I used up my battery on bike route mapping! ugh...Where the hell was he?  20-30 minutes later he arrived at the lunch spot, I apparently passed him without realizing it.  He was snapping pictures and I was pedalling my ass off trying to catch up to him so I could yell at him for not waiting for me.  It was nothing a little food, drink and balanced blood sugar didn't cure :) (ok ok, yes of course I yelled at him a tiny bit)

 Lunch was the 1/2 way point, the 4 of us had lunch together, rested and stretched our legs a little and we were on our way, once again!

Stay tuned for Part 2.

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